Description: The story centers on the romance between two 20-year-old men, Manga and Sory who are first seen making out in a car. The trouble begins when Manga tells his widowed mother about his love for Sory, who is busy contending with his outraged father. The parents insist that the two never see each other again. Manga’s mother then uses witchcraft to cleanse her son and change him into a heterosexual. Time passes and eventually Manga begins to date a girl. But it soon becomes apparent that try as he might, Manga’s heart belongs to Sory.
Director: Muhammad Camara
Writer: Muhammad Camara
Actors: Cécile Bois, Mamady Mory Camara, Muhammad Camara
Runtime: 87 min
Language: French (Subs: Hardcoded English)
Genres: Drama
FileSize: 625.69 MB