Speechless (2012) Mandarin (English Subtitle)

Description: A guy is found by the police swimming naked. He can’t, or refuses to, speak and is sent to a hospital. Since no diagnosis can be made, he will be transferred to a mental hospital, when his male nurse decides to take another route. Slowly the reason for his speechlessness becomes clear. Together with the nurse’s girlfriend and a female friend of the silent stranger, their history is explained.
Director: Simon Chung
Writer: Simon Chung, Yulai Lü
Actors: Pierre-Matthieu Vital, Qilun Gao, Yung Yung Yu
Runtime: 92 min
Language: Mandarin
Genres: Drama
IMDB link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2190232/

FileSize: 1.21 GB



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