Description: The film follows a young man who is drawn into the dark, sexual underbelly of New York City’s gay club scene. Aleksandr is a young Russian immigrant alone after the tragic death of his mother. He turns to drugs and renting his body to wealthy men to deal with his loss. Aleksandr finds himself torn apart with a new personality making its way to the surface.
Director: Pau Masó
Writer: Pau Masó (screenplay)
Actors: Pau Masó, Anatoli Grek, Josh Berresford, Samantha Glovin, Keith Dougherty, Olivier Canovas, Roland Max, Terrence Hewitt, Marc I. Daniels, Roy Pollack, Aleksandra Myrna, Hona Gordon
Runtime: 108 min
Language: English
Genres: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
FileSize: 2.37 GB