

Handsome Devil (2016)

Two underclassmen roommates at an all-boys boarding school eventually and unexpectedly bond, one a social outcast, the other a star rugby player. With a new English teacher challenging students to find their own voices, the boys' friendship is tested by the rugby-obsessed expectations of others after one is found to be gay.

Spa Night (2016) Korean (English Subtitle)

A closeted Korean-American teen (Joe Seo) who lives with his troubled immigrant parents in Los Angeles takes a night-shift job at a scrub-and-sauna health spa. The novel interactions he has with other men at work help him separate from his family's expectations and forge his own identity as a gay man.

The Goob (2014)

Young Goob, 16 years old, returns home to his mother where he grew up in the countryside, between a small restaurant and a field of pumpkins. His mother's new companion and Goob don't get along. This summer Goob will mature in many ways, dealing with a girl in the stock-car circuit, a gay cousin who dances, and problems with a seasonal woman fieldworker.

Flex (2020) (Short Film)

Description: After a break-up with his long time girlfriend, Charles explores parts of his sexuality that he never allowed himself to explore before. It all started, when Charles saw a man flexing his muscle in a TV advertisement as a…

Birder (2023)

Description: Kristian Brooks, a birdwatcher, invades a nude queer campground in New Hampshire, ensnaring locals with his dark fetish, highlighting the dangers of consent. Director: Nate Dushku Writer: Amnon Lourie Actors: Michael Emery, David J. Cork, Cody Sloan Runtime: 87…